Evan Stevens
Inducted 1963
1889 – 1972
Inducted – 1963
Known as “The Father of the Kansas State High School Activities Association,” Evan R. Stevens was an innovative pioneer in the administration of high school sports throughout Kansas and the nation for over 50 years. Born in a sod hut in Sheridan County, Kansas, Stevens was also one of the founders of the National Federation of High School Athletic Associations in the mid 1920s. For 23 years “Steve” served as a member of a board of control of the KSHSAA. He was instrumental in reorganizing the association with a full–time staff in 1927 and served as president of the organization from 1933 to 1944. After Stevens became a member of the board, a constitution and by-laws were written and an attempt was made to enforce eligibility rules. After serving as school principal at Parsons, Norton and Leavenworth, Stevens moved to Independence in 1926 as principal of the junior and senior high school. He was named superintendent of schools in 1946 and served in the capacity until his retirement in 1954. Inducted into Kansas State High School Activities Association Hall of Fame, 1976. Born August 15, 1889 – Sheridan county, KS. Died October 25, 1972 – Independence, KS. Graduated Mankato (KS) High School, 1907; Kansas Normal College (Emporia State), 1918; MS – University of Kansas, 1925.